Psych Health and Safety Podcast USA

Psychological Health and Safety: the Business Case - with Torin Monet

Episode Summary

This week, host Dr. I. David Daniels will speak to Torin Monet, a management consultant who has studied the data associated with psychologically unhealthy workplaces and made a profound business case for psychological health and safety. There is a significant amount of data to suggest the United States is destroying innovation, productivity, and productivity through emotional and psychological abuse in the workplace. - The US is #1 among developed nations for workplace stress, anxiety disorders, psychopathy, antisocial personality disorder, homicide, and suicide - 70% of US adults, approximately 223.5 million people, have experienced psychological trauma, increasing their sensitivity to workplace abuse and subsequent mental health disorders - 30% of American workers (46.8 million people) are victims of psychological abuse, leading to anxiety, depression, PTSD, and the spread of sociopathy - Year-on-year increase in workplace toxicity and harassment is evident, with 22% of workers saying they were subject to workplace psychological abuse in the last 12 months compared to 14% in 2022 Torin argues that a clear set of business data points supports the value of a psychologically safe and healthy workplace as a business imperative.